Every year is held the Alliance Board of Directors. The aim of this meeting was to forge links between members, share on the strategy to adopt and define the future common objectives of our Network. This year, after 2 years of online editions, 27 members from 16 different countries met together from Wednesday 7th to Saturday 10th June at Institut LYFE, formerly Institut Paul Bocuse. We had the opportunity to determine the new components of the Alliance network’s identity and to discuss about how it is possible to reinforce the connection between the Hospitality Education and our Industry.
The Alliance redefines its identity
For almost 20 years now, our Network of schools has grown and expended under the name of Alliance by Institut Paul Bocuse. With the change of name of Institut Paul Bocuse, that has become Institut LYFE last April, all the members of the network needed to think and discuss together the Alliance identity.
Caroline Abecassis, the Institut Communication and Marketing Director, opened the Board on Wednesday 7th June by taking the floor to present the main key points of Institut LYFE identity. Later in the day, members were invited to share 3 words that, as regard their opinion, define the Alliance Network. They also made a proposal for what could be our new motto. Finally, per group, they had to think about our future logo. Our new logo and identity should be revealed in the coming months, after validation by the Executive Committee of the Alliance.
Industry and Hospitality Challenges

Alliance Board 2023 Club Med Brainstorming
The 2023 Alliance Directors’ Board was organized around the theme of the different challenges that both Hospitality Education and the Industry are facing. To introduce these threats, we asked the participants to present a hospitality challenge that they are currently facing in their own country. Several topics were discussed, such as:
- Transformation of traditional Hospitality organization
- The importance of personal experiences in curriculum
- The importance of sustainability
- The Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- The generational changes
- Creating a worldwide competition for students
- Tourism operations (Transportation, services, activities…)
To have a better overview of these topics, we travelled to Samoëns to discover the Club Med GRAND MASSIF, which opened in December 2017. After a visit of the resort and time to exchange, we had the chance to discover the all-inclusive package from Thursday 8 June evening to the Friday 9 June afternoon. In collaboration with the great Club Med team, we had the pleasure to brainstorm in the middle of the Alpes mountains on challenges concerning both the Hospitality “product” and human resources questions. This allowed us to cross the views of the Industry and ours in education, while sharing at the same time our cultural differences.
Future projects
During these few days together, common projects were also discussed. Above all, it seems necessary for each member to dedicate two hours of their time every two or three months especially to Alliance. The aim is to ensure more exchange, more follow-up and commitment. The Alliance will also publish a new Cookbook in a while, to promote our common work and our cultural
Alliance Board 2023 Climate Fresk
differences. The introduction of a Sustainable Committee also seemed to bring a positive reaction from all participants. About this subject, Blandine Landais, Professor of Human Resources at Institut LYFE, with the support of Maxime Moïse, organized a climate fresk on Saturday 10th June morning. The objective was to raise awareness among members and compare different points of view by discussing about this important and more than actual issue of our society.
The Alliance Board of directors was a real success! This event was a huge opportunity for us to realize how much is important to gathering all together, forging real links and exchanging ideas about the future and projects of the Alliance Network. We look forward to the future and cannot wait for future projects to emerge.
To discover the Alliance Board meeting in video…