Entrusted to the Society of Jesus more than 75 years after its creation, IBERO has dedicated itself to forming the men and women that Mexico needs. Its educational leadership has gone beyond the classroom and has placed it as one of the best private universities nationally and internationally.

The educational model has been exemplary in the teaching and learning processes determined by the Jesuits’ way of being and behaving, its academic programmes have been recognised and accredited by important national and foreign bodies.

Recognized in Mexico and abroad as one of the most important private higher education institutions in the country, the Universidad Iberoamericana offers a wide range of academic programs, designed to meet the human and professional training requirements demanded by our students and society.


  • 36 bachelor’s degree programs
  • 6 university technical careers
  • 44 graduate programs
  • 11 doctorates
  • 28 master’s degrees
  • 5 specialties.

There are also a large number of diploma and coursework programs, as well as language courses.

The mission of the Universidad Iberoamericana is to contribute to the achievement of a more just, supportive, free, inclusive, productive and peaceful society, through the transforming power of teaching, research, innovation and connection, in close contact with reality.

The vision of the Universidad Iberoamericana is proposed from the reflection on five big themes that are fundamental for the institution: pluralism, excellence, proactivity, social and service.


The Universidad Iberoamericana is proud to belong to the Institut Paul Bocuse Alliance, considered a leading global network of educational excellence in terms of culinary arts, food service and hospitality trades.

Being part of this network of prestigious universities, it will allow us to further enrich and strengthen academic and student training by building up networks of multidisciplinary knowledge and learning, towards new innovative and sustainable projects that allows the generation better practices with an international business vision and with a high commitment to respond ethically and responsively to the needs of our society.