INACAP is the institution of Education and Training with the highest number of pupils and geographic coverage of Chile. More than 120,000 undergraduates study in its 26 campuses spread throughout the vast territory of the country. Its educational model is based on practical teaching, inductive, active and connected with the industry so that students acquire skills that will allow them to insert quickly and successfully in the job market.
Founded in 1966, INACAP contributes significantly to the development of Chile, through the training and professionalization of human capital in several important sectors of the economy. Its contribution to the gastronomic, hotel and tourism industries of the country began in 1976. Throughout these years, INACAP has formed the most prominent chefs in Chile, with a sustained impact on the enhancement of Chile’s national cuisine.

Today the school is present in 22 campuses in 15 regions of the country, and responsible for the development of more than a third of the people who pursue careers in this area, which is equivalent to 9,100 students in 6 undergraduate programs.
Our challenge as a school and as INACAP, along with 28 program directors and 380 teachers, is the commitment to quality and excellence of technical and industry professionals for our country and its future.


As part of our ongoing development, we have important strategic alliances. Internationally, our participation stands since 2008 in the Alliance by Institut Paul Bocuse, a network that allows us to be close to the main and most important gastronomic, culinary arts and hospitality institutions of the member countries, since 2008. This with the aim of keeping always at the forefront and our programs connected with the possibility of exchange experiences enabling our community of teachers and students to live unique learning experience in the most prestigious schools of the world.

2012 was a very special and important year for INACAP since joining the Alliance by Institut Paul Bocuse. This due to the organization of the Culinary Seminar, organized for the first time in Chile.

During seven days, the cities of Concepción, Santiago and Valparaiso showed the best of our cuisine, our wines and our people. We hope that these opportunities where we can share our culture, values and character can be considered again in the future as we also believe in the importance to learn and share with the cultures of our partners of the alliance.