LE MONDE is a proud member of the Alliance by Institut Paul Bocuse since 2007. We also had the honor to host the 6th Annual Board of Directors Meeting, in March 12-13, 2015, at LE MONDE in Athens. The Alliance is all about a true passion for hospitality, gastronomy and offering great opportunities to young professionals.

Nicolas Velissaropoulos
Director International Relations & Finance LE MONDE group

School Presentation

LE MONDE is a specialized Institute in the field of Hospitality, Gastronomy and Tourism, offering diploma programs in culinary arts, pastry & bakery, hospitality and tourism management. It’s the leading Institute in Greece in its field of expertise, receiving numerous national and international distinctions and high level of awareness by the industry opinion makers as well as by the wide public. LE MONDE premises are located at Moschato, a city campus a few minutes ride from the heart of the city of Athens.

LE MONDE’s students and alumni, pursue significant careers all around the world. A team of expert professionals instils students with a passion for knowledge and a desire for excellence. The combination of academic and real-world experience ensures that LE MONDE is the best Institution for preparing students for a global career in the hospitality and tourism industry.

LE MONDE’s mission is to offer quality learning programs to students, by experienced professionals in order our graduates to achieve valued recognition in the Tourism Industry globally. In this way, the school enjoys the collaboration of professors with extensive experience in hotel management education, so as to provide high quality courses that meet the modern needs of tourism businesses. The education provided to Le Monde Institute’s students combines theoretical teaching with laboratory monitoring. Indeed, 50% of the teaching hours of the technical modules are performed in laboratory facilities.

I participated as a representative of LE MONDE, in a weekly forum, organized by Institut Paul Bocuse in Lyon, with 11 other chefs from corresponding countries, all over the world. In this amazingly beautiful and interactive participation, we talked about our experiences, we shared and recorded the educational methods that each of us follows back in our countries, we exchanged opinions on how to create the best learning tools and how to transmit our passion to our students.

Our week was enriched by daily activities where the chefs of the school introduced us to the real Lyon cuisine, the authentic cuisine of Paul Bocuse, the art of the foie gras and of course, all the trends of the time. We had the honor to attend an excellent seminar on cheese by Mof Fromager, as well as a very interesting wine seminar full of flavors. Moreover, we enjoyed unforgettable and deeply engraved excursions, lunches and dinners at the Paul Bocuse restaurant and the Bresse farm, with its famous poultries, in the village of Georges Blanc.

It was an unforgettable culinary experience, thank you very much for your wonderful hospitality.

Kalosakas Makis
Chef cuisinier and coordinator at LE MONDE


Besides these educational programs, LE MONDE Institute offers students unique internships and placement opportunities. In this way, LE MONDE Institute joined the Alliance by Institut Paul Bocuse in 2007 in order to give students the opportunity to learn French cuisine and acquire new skills, and allow exchanges of best practices with world’s top Hospitality Management and Culinary Arts schools.


Being a member of the Alliance by Institut Paul Bocuse network strengthens and reinforces the international network among high-ranking and prestigious schools and offers students and graduates the unique experience of the summer programs offered by Institut Paul Bocuse.