The University of the Andes has been founded in 1995 following the most demanding standards toward the consolidation of a practical education by its model Learning-by-Doing.

Educating professionals for over 15 years that are not only highly capable in the technical field, but also in the entrepreneurial field. Our experience in the Bolivian market for over 15 years has brought us to be one of the most recognized institutions for the practical and entrepreneurial education in Bolivia.

The University of the Andes adopts its name in representation of one of the most majestic, beautiful and mystical geographic zones of the planet, adorned by imposing snow-capped peaks, mountain ranges and lakes; inhabited by a community rich in culture, values and traditions, characterized by its strength and perseverance which is the cordillera of Los Andes.


The model Learning by Doing is an educational methodology based on the design of experiences and practice, in which the student is expected to give concrete solutions to concrete problems.
The case of study are designed taking as a reference the daily life and the professional world and thus preparing the students to face the changes, the uncertainty, the speed that characterizes the current world.
Being consistent with the mission, vision and values held by the University, the proposed teaching-learning methodology emphasizes learning to learn, openness, horizontal and democratic treatment among professors and students, flexibility, exploration of the internal world, creativity, the appropriate combination between theory and practice and between individual and collective activities and, finally, openness to the community and social demand.

Precisely these characteristics make the Universidad de Los Andes an avant-garde educational institution since our experience of more than 15 years in the Bolivian market, has led us to train highly qualified professionals to perform and successfully face the labor and entrepreneurial environment.


We choose to join the Alliance of Institut Paul Bocuse because our mission is to educate professionals that are going to be capable to expose our Bolivian Gastronomy to the world and generate a positive impact in our country.
To achieve this mission we started our internationalization project to give to the Bolivian community the opportunity to study with the best international professionals and live international experiences on the culinary arts field.
This will give the Bolivian community the necessary tools and knowledge to generate a positive impact in our country through culinary arts. Institut Paul Bocuse is one of the most recognized culinary and hospitality school of the world, and been part of the Alliance means the inclusion of an international, intercultural and global dimension within the curriculum in the teaching-learning process.